Our story

Meet Emeric &
Emeric and Sylviane met by chance at The Roxy on Granville Street, in Vancouver, BC in January 2010, when Emeric was in Canada on a working-holiday visa and Sylviane was on a 1-year coop working as a translator for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The rest, as they say,
is history! The couple has travelled across the globe, lived and worked in London, UK, in Ottawa, ON, and in Vancouver, BC before settling down in Williamstown, ON with their two children.
In The News
When a French-Canadian country gal crosses paths with a down-to-earth Frenchman, everything is possible.
Emeric grew up on the rugged Corsican coastline of Ajaccio, France and Sylviane, on a quaint hobby farm in Sarsfield, ON. Add a decade of living in beautiful British Columbia, and nature was forever engrained in their lifestyle. Vancouver also exposed them to organic, sustainable and small-scale agriculture. This is where Emeric volunteered at Farmer’s on 57 th , an organic urban CSA farm, and where their love affair with gardening and using fresh,
nourishing, low-impact organic produce to feed their family started. Emeric completed his permaculture diploma and the family spent many weekends visiting inspiring farms on Vancouver Island, the BC and US Gulf Islands and Washington State before choosing to come settle closer to family. They still
dream of one day spending half the year on Salt Spring Island or have a Chateau with sprawling rooms and gardens in Provence, but all in due time…
Nathalie, Emeric’s mother, is also the “force tranquille” helping to keep the weeds at bay and the children happy. She’s become a key player on the farm team and things would definitely not be running as smoothly without her!
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer.

Our Farm Philosophies

Our gardening is inspired and influenced by regenerative, organic, and permaculture philosophies. We are not organic certified, but our inputs and methods are aligned with organic agriculture. We're always happy to have you come visit the farm (by appointment) to see how we grow your veggies! As a family, we strive to reduce our impact on the environment. We're also trying to reuse as much as possible. Lucky for us, we're stuck with remnants from multiple previous owners, which means we have ample opportunities to find creative ways of working with an already existing item on the farm. We love sharing resources with other farming and homesteading neighbours to reduce shipping and environmental impacts.

We believe small-scale, sustainable farms like ours are part of the solution for our children's and our planet's future.
It's perfectly imperfect, just like nature.